Rep. Craig Goldman (Ft. Worth, TX) authored HB2847 in the Texas 2019 legislative session. It was signed by Gov. Greg Abbott September 1, 2019.
This omnibus bill provided occupation licensing restriction relief for many Texas entrepreneurs, small business owners, and sole proprietors especially interior designers. I was honored to work with Rep. Goldman’s office, especially Amanda Robertson and I testified at multiple committee hearings in support of HB2847.
HB2847 successfully restricted Texas Board of Architectural Examiners (TBAE) powers as follows:
TBAE is no longer allowed to impose administrative and/or criminal penalties on non-registered interior designers in Texas for conduct related to their practice of interior design. TBAE had been allowed to penalize non-registered Texas interior designers for decades.
Amended the Texas Occupational Code to allow TBAE to impose administrative penalties ONLY on registered interior designers.
Completely removed Texas Occupations Code 1053 Sub Chpt H, which said that a person commits a Class C misdemeanor, (subject to fines) if they call themselves a “registered interior designer” when they are not. While TBAE can no longer impose a criminal penalty for unregistered designers who use this protected title, they can still pursue “cease and desist” action.
Most frequently asked questions about Texas interior design laws:
Can I practice interior design in Texas without a design degree? A: YES.
Do I need a license to practice interior design in Texas? NO. Texas does not “license” designers because a license requires a Practice Act, which Texas does not have. Texas issues a title only, that of “RID” or “Registered Interior Designer”. Regardless, you do not need either one to practice interior design in Texas.
Do I have to be registered with TBAE to practice interior design? A: NO.
Do I have to pass the NCIDQ to practice interior design in Texas? A: NO.
Must I refer to myself as an “interior decorator” in Texas if I am not registered? A: NO.
Does TBAE regulate interior design/interior designers in Texas? A: NO. TBAE only regulates a small percentage of interior designers in Texas, those who chose to be registered. They do NOT regulate the majority of designers, or their professional business conduct, or projects they work on.
Does Texas have interior design laws? A: Yes, Texas has a “Title Act”, which means Texas restricts the use of a title, that of “registered interior designer”. You may not use those 3 words, in that order, unless you are registered. Texas does NOT have a Practice Act, which restricts a designer’s ability to work on certain commercial projects, unless they are registered.
What about other states? Update on Florida ID laws: as of July 2020, Florida has rescinded their restrictive Practice Act in favor of a more business friendly voluntary Title Act, similar to the Texas law. Thanks to Gov. DeSantis and others who supported freedom, capitalism, and fair competition. Only Nevada, DC, Louisiana, Puerto Rico have Practice Acts in law, which keeps unregistered designers from being able to design in spaces used by the public.
Are all/most Texas RIDs (registered interior designers) qualified? A: NO. To date, approximately 50% of RIDs were “grandfathered” in, and do NOT possess the qualifications imposed on applicants from 1994 on, when the grandfathering window closed. Unfairly, TBAE holds out all RIDs to the consuming public, as being equally qualified when they are in fact, not. In 1993 you could become a RID by claiming you “had worked in the industry for 5 years”, no post-secondary education, no examination, no proof needed.
Can I stamp and seal drawings if I am unregistered? A: Maybe. This is a state/municipality issue. I called my local building official about residential remodel plans. His reply, “If you can communicate your changes on the back of a napkin, you’re good, and no need for a stamp/seal”. If you want to operate as a GC, then it would be wise to meet with your building officials, take their courses and obtain proper insurance before you begin. Additionally, the rules for commercial vs. residential design projects are different. Inquire. As a dual certified interior design professional (NCIDQ and CMKBD) and kitchen & bath specialist, I produce a full set of dimensioned drawings (not structural) for my projects. This is for documentation and communication with client, GC, subcontractors, inspectors and others, clearly marked "not for construction purposes", and I don't use the words "architecture" in any form.
What education/examinations do you recommend? If you have the time and resources, pursue a 4-year accredited design education and take the NCIDQ (now CIDQ) exam. DSA also has a great RIDQC exam for those not college bound. I recently earned the Certified Master Kitchen & Bath Designer credential through The National Kitchen and Bath Association. Finally, find a professional association (NKBA, DSA, IDS) who supports your education/experience and won’t work to pass laws that could put you out of business like ASID, IIDA, and TAID do. Ask about their "advocacy" strategy and follow the money.
BEST WISHES for long and happy design career!